Phone: (321) 636-4450 | Fax: (321) 633-0972 | 1670 South Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, Florida 32955

Ryan Reporting is pleased to announce the latest addition to our Areas of Practice page. With an in-depth database of the legal fields our firm covers, attorneys and paralegals can book with Ryan Reporting and be fully confident that they will book with a firm that has a full understanding of their area of practice. The latest addition is education law court reporters.

Our education law court reporting professionals are dedicated to their field. Our firm is known for our efficiency and accuracy, and these specialists are no exception to the rule. Be it a special education case, or an educators case, our staff will give their all. That is what makes Ryan Reporting one of the most coveted court reporting firms in Central Florida for over 40 years.