Phone: (321) 636-4450 | Fax: (321) 633-0972 | 1670 South Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, Florida 32955

How Can Videoconferencing Benefit You?









In this day and age, legal teams are often spread far and wide– from opposite ends of the state, to opposite ends of the country. It can be difficult to find the time to bring everyone together. Finding the money is another story. Legal videoconferencing takes away the stress and financial burden that can arise from bringing a legal team together. Whether for a deposition, interview, or anything in between, videoconferencing allows teams to meet “face-to-face” and discuss their cases without the hassle.

Here are just a few ways legal videoconferencing can benefit your case:

  • Reduce travel expenses: Meeting face-to-face can seem near impossible at times. With the cost of plane tickets, hotels, rental cars, and more, getting in for a meeting can drain a firm’s budget. Factor in time wasted during travel, and videoconferencing is the only option for you and your spread-out legal team.
  • Quality long-distance collaboration: Text and email seem like easy fixes to immediate questions, but messaging can easily misconstrue one’s meaning. Not to mention, playing phone tag can leave you waiting for answers. When you schedule a videoconference, everyone can ask and answer questions in the most concise, easy to understand manner possible.
  • Faster communication process: Since law is a fast, time-sensitive field, videoconferences are great for getting all concerns out on the table and answered in one shot.

When you schedule a videoconferencing service with Ryan Reporting, you can be confident that the audio and visuals will be crystal clear every time. Learn more about what our services can do for your case by contacting us today.

Areas of Service



Cocoa Beach

Volusia County

Seminole County

Orange County

Brevard County

Osceola County

Osceola County











Build Your Winning Case With Our Team!

Global Scheduling

Schedule your service from anywhere in the world 24/7 with our online scheduling platform!


We offer full videoconferencing services for your depositions and other meetings!

Mediation Scheduling

Have your next mediation  for cases and clients in our deluxe conference rooms!

Board Meetings

We offer elegant services and facilities for board meetings for both law firms and private companies!

Our Brevard County Offices

1670 South Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, Florida 32955, USA

Ryan Reporting

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